More transparency

Everyone is kept up to date

Pupils and parents can view their grades and absences – anytime, anywhere, with any device. No more surprises when school reports are sent out.

Up to date with SWOP!

More clarity

Reduced workload for administrations

Parents can report absence due to illness from home in SWOP. This information is sent directly to the relevant subject and class teachers.

Works with SWOP!

More efficiency

Costs and Expenses are reduced

Notices, grade information, letters to parents, newsletters, surveys, bookings of excursions or school programmes – all paperless.

Effective with SWOP!

More simplicity

Teachers save precious time

When was that again? Where did it say that? Since when is it like that? Where do I sign up? Many questions no longer need to be answered.

It’s on SWOP!

saves time

SWOP offers a variety of innovative modules

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Like all other SWOP modules, the “class register” module is GDPR-compliant and permissible under school legislation in all federal states in Germany. It offers all the capabilities of a conventional paper-based class register and combines these with ease of use on any web-enabled device and unprecedented transparency for pupils and parents.

keeps all kinds of grades and makes the old grades available for pupils and parents.

– more info soon –

parent information system

– More coming soon –

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The “HomeWork” module has been specially developed for homeschooling. Teachers can use it to make assignments available online, keep track of progress and provide feedback. Pupils work through their assignments, ask questions and return their results online to a central location.

provide infos, news and documents for groups and users.

– more coming soon –

Webseite OKO Private School

Together we develop your new state of the art website. Therefore we use the latest technologies and security mechanisms. We are in touch with you throughout the whole process in order to provide you with the website that represents your ideas.

You can decide which SWOP modules you would like to use. You can combine them as you wish.

The school does not require any special technical equipment and teachers do not need any existing IT expertise to use and operate the modules. We handle the server, setup, updates and security of your SWOP for the entire contract period. SWOP is a web application and can therefore be used on all modern, web-enabled devices.

saves time